Ah, our wonderful hometown of Riverside, CA! If you haven't noticed by now, we are so proud of our community in Riverside County, and so honored to be able to serve the people and the places who have made us who we are today. We are so thankful for the support that we have been given over the years, and we hope to be able to do it for decades and generations to come. It is because of you that we are where we are.
Riverside is the 12th largest city in the state of California, and the 59th largest city in all of the United States. We're not too far from the beach, close enough to the mountains to even get some snow in some parts, and fairly close to Los Angeles if anyone gets the itch to get a taste of that city life every now and then.
Some of the major highlights in the city are the schools and the medical facilities. The University of California, Riverside, for example. And then there are the Riverside Community and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals that take care of the members of our community day in and day out. RockSolid Asphalt Paving Riverside is proud to offer services to our schools and hospitals, to make sure that these important establishments continue running as smoothly as possible. If you are in need for asphalt paving services for an organization like this, please contact us today.
We don't have enough time to discuss all of the incredible museums, art galleries, festivals and events that the city of Riverside has to offer each day. But there are so many things about this city that we love, and we want it to stay the beautiful, diverse city that its residents are so proud of. The place that we love raising our families in. One thing we've noticed about our city is the importance of parking lot asphalt paving, and because we're so invested and passionate about our city, we always make sure that these projects are done right.
We are completely aware that you have countless options when it comes do which asphalt paving contractors to choose in the city of Riverside. But we can just about guarantee you that no one will complete it with the precision, professionalism, and passion that RockSolid Asphalt Paving Riverside
will. Please contact us today to learn more about why we are always the best choice for any asphalt paving project in Riverside. We are happy to learn about your goals, figure out a game plan, and talk with you to go over any questions. If you'd like to inquire about the asphalt paving cost, we would be happy to come out to do an inspection to give you an accurate estimate for the work. We hope to hear from you soon!
Service Areas
3303 La Rue Street. Riverside, CA 92509
We are a third party referral company. All referrals are forwarded to a licensed, professional asphalt contractor in Riverside County. ContractorLIC#502305